Master 2 Arbitrage & Commerce International - Université Paris-Saclay

The DANTE Laboratory

Laboratoire DANTE - Manifestations scientifiques

The DANTE laboratory (Business Law and New Technologies) was founded in 1997 and has more than a hundred members. A privileged space of the faculty welcoming the students and teacher-researchers, the laboratory is constituted in particular of an axis “Arbitration and International Trade”.

” The theme of arbitration brings together within Dante many researchers, whether they are PhDs, PhD students or international arbitration practitioners with an abundant and recognized research and publication activity. It is precisely because it is necessary to gather these forces so far scattered that the research team on the law of arbitration is constituted and that it is the only one in France. Bringing together forty or so researchers from many different countries, this team brings together leading specialists in international arbitration. The theme of international trade includes collective projects related to arbitration and mainly concerns international contracts and international litigation. In addition to individual publications, it regularly provides three different periodicals. “

More informations about the Laboratory DANTE On the University Paris-Saclay website :

Laboratoire DANTE

It is also within the framework of DANTE that the management team of MACI and its students organize scientific events. Arbitration is a major theme but the training is intended to be multidisciplinary in international business law and other topics, such as private international law, are discussed.

1) Mr de Fontmichel, Jérémy Jourdan-Marques (Scientific Director), The execution of international arbitral awards, Symposium of the University of Versailles – Saint-Quentin, Paris (House of the Bar), September 26, 2016 (collective work published by LGDJ, 2017).

2) Caroline Duclercq, Carine Jallamion, M. de Fontmichel (Scientific Director), Arbitration and weak parties, Colloquium of the CMAP and the Universities of Montpellier and Versailles Saint-Quentin, Paris (Trade Shows France-Americas), May 9, 2016 ( Proceedings published in the Journal of International Law (Clunet) n ° 1, January 2017, Study 1).

3) Th. Clay, Malo Depincé, Daniel Mainguy (Scientific Director), Arbitration and Group Action, CMAP Colloquium and Universities of Montpellier and Versailles – Saint-Quentin, Paris, May 18, 2015.

4) S. Clavel, F. Jault (eds.), The Revised Brussels I Regulation Comes into Force: What Changes to Expect ?, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) / DANTE, Paris (ICC), January 30, 2015.

5) Th. Clay, W. Ben Hamida (Scientific Director), Money in Arbitration, Symposium of the Arbitration Law Research Team of Versailles – Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University , Paris, June 27, 2013 (collective work published by Lextenso, 2013).