Master 2 Arbitrage & Commerce International - Université Paris-Saclay

MACI Lectures

MACI Lectures

Since 2009, the association of Master Arbitration & International Commerce organizes each year a “reading” held at the International Chamber of Commerce. This moment comes with the graduation of our students. It is also an opportunity for them to honor a topic related to arbitration that is close to their heart.

The training aims to be modern, close to practice and alert on the contemporary issues of international law. Our students choose current topics which are the subject of extended discussions within the doctrine and institutions.

To do so, the conference is conducted each year by a distinguished guest, an actor emeritus of the practice, chosen carefully for his/her interest in the selected subject.

From the control of the sentence with regard to the public order to the penalization and  publicizing by the media of arbitration, the “MACI Lectures” allow the students to complete their training with this kind of analysis.

The organization of this event at the end of each academic year reflects the desire of each outgoing student of MACI to contribute to the evolution of the law and to participate in the promotion of a method of dispute resolution that continues to develop at national and international levels.

“Paris, capital of arbitration”. These words shine in the minds of our students. The International Chamber of Commerce contributes to the coinage of this expression. Thus, the choice of this institution for the organisation of MACI Lectures is not arbitrary. The MACI thanks this historical partner for letting its members access its premises.

The current promotion currently is working on the organization of the next event. You will discover the topics discussed in previous years below. What will be the subject chosen by students of the Bastid promotion?

“Should we abandon the control of the sentence with regard to the public order? “

By Professor Bernard Hanotiau

Year 2009 – Promotion Étienne Clémentel

“Two good Belgian stories about the arbitrators’ leeway”

By Mr. Jean Paulsson

Year 2010 – Berthold Goldman Promotion

“The new ICC arbitration rules of 2011: between traditions and novelties”

By Michael W. Buhler

Year 2011 – Bruno Oppetit Promotion

“Motulsky and Arbitration today”

By Professor Cécile Chainais

Year 2012 – Henri Motulsky Promotion

“Penalisation and mediatization of an arbitration: what consequences for the place of Paris? “

By Masters Elie Kleiman and Eric Teynier

Year 2013- Serge Lazareff Promotion

A tribute to Serge Lazareff took place during this event

“The laws of arbitration”

By Professor Jean-Michel Jacquet

Year 2014 – Promotion Jacques-Béguin

« Thoughts on the quest for transparency in International Arbitration. Let the past inform the present and future »

By Neil Kaplan

Year 2015 – Promotion Pierre Lalive


“Arbitration, alternative to state justice”

By Mr Pierre Tercier

Year 2017 – Pieter Sanders Promotion